#Topic-5 Previous topic (4) we have discussed about how to start coding! , we have gone through our first Java Program line by line. If you have not gone through that topic, click this link Your First Java Program: Hello World In this section we will discuss about variable , Data types , Literals and many more! Variable Variable is name of reserved area allocated in memory . In other words, it is a name of memory location . It is a combination of "vary + able" that means its value can be changed. Example: int value= 10 ; //Here value is variable float a= 10.50 ; //Here a is variable There are three major types of variables in java: local variable instance variable static variable 1) Local Variable : A variable which is declared inside the method is called local variable. 2) Instance Variable : A variable which is declared inside the class but outside the method, is called instance variable . It is not declare...
TechGeek or This blog is a widely used robust technology. Let's start learning Java from basic questions like what is Java , Core Java, where it is used, what type of applications are created in Java, why use java and Java platforms etc. Our Java tutorial helps you to learn Java with easy and simple examples. It will help you begin from scratch, just give it a start even without having the knowledge about c or any other programming , you will learn everything gradually during programming.